
It would be very usefull to have the possibility to answitch updating propagation indices

Karl Dopler vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von oe9fwv vor 12 Jahren 3

in RMS Express opening the channel list updates the propagation for all stations and this lasts a very long time. It would be nice to have an option to choose stations which are calculated to save time. 

Another point of view is that IF INET IS PRESENT to RMS Express, the download of fresh station list  perhaps should always be done PRIOR to calculating the OLD outdated list. The download is quick. It is the calculation which consumes time.

As it is now, the calculation always is done twice if purpose is updating the very list.  Calculating propagation on the old outdated station list first is only a waste of time.

I agree with Finn. I know from experience quite exactly which stations are in range and which frequencies I want to use, most of the calculation that RMS Express does, is not of interest to me. 

This is why I would like to have the choice a) which station should be calculated and b) when it is calculated. If the calculation can be done in background, it would be ok. What I don't like is when I open the channel list that I have to wait for a long time until the calculation of 95% percent of stations which are of no relevance to me is finished.