
when trying to submit location report without time the location gets wiped

Sander Pool 13 aastat tagasi uuendatud 13 aastat tagasi 1
gps position entry is a bit tricky (never seen that format before so copy/paste isn't possible) so once I have it as it should be it would be nice if it didn't wipe the fields clean on error. This is what happens when you fill in the location but forget the time (defaults to zero, really? how about at least current UTC or local time?) . You press 'post' and it comes back with an error, wiping gps data clean. It should not do that.
So it's been 6 months and I figured I'd try RMS Express again. Auto updated to To my great disappointment the position report dialog is still completely broken. You switch to a different window and it clears all the data. I suppose no one else uses this but I do. Please fix it.

To repeat:
- bring up position report dialog
- press 'use current time'
- time gets filled in
- switch to a different window (say to grab your coordinates)
- switch back to RMS Express
- Bang! time data cleared. If you'd been typing coordinates those would be cleared too.

the above was repeated a dozen times. I then fiddled some more with RMS Express nd opened the dialog again. Now the time at least stays put but location and comment still get wiped.